Fr Garland with troopers in Egypt, circa 1917-1919.

July in Jerusalem

THE NEW JERUSALEM. CANON Garland [ David John Garland ] writes from Jerusalem, in respect to the Church of England Australian Fund for Soldiers, on July 26:— “In strolling through the old city of Jerusalem I was struck by the improvement and cleanliness, showing how our advent is making itself felt. “The object of my visit was to secure premises for our [ Jerusalem ] Club, and after beating down the landlord I got the Read more…

Work of the chaplains

WORK OF THE CHAPLAINS. On the Palestine Front. THE following letter from the Rev. Maitland Woods (well known in Brisbane) [ William Maitland Woods ] recently appeared in the Sydney “Church Standard”:– “I wonder if the church people of Australia know what Chaplain Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] is doing for our Australian lads on this Front? “He arrived from Australia a few days before the fall of Jerusalem – we had been fighting Read more…

Our Soldier Boys

ABOVE: The “Writing and Reading Room” inside The Anzac Club, set up inside St Luke’s Church, Charlotte Street, in inner-city Brisbane by Canon Garland and The Soldiers’ Church of England Help Society in 1915. When the third annual general meeting of the Society was held in May 1918, this room was being looked after by Miss Ivy Pointon, the Society’s Literature and Office Secretary, and other volunteers. This photograph appeared on page 25 of “The Queenslander” newspaper Read more…

Riverboat on the Nile

ABOVE: A fleet of house-boats tied up along a Nile River landing at Cairo in about 1915. In July 1918 Canon Garland sought to buy one of these vessels with money raised through the “Lavender Day Appeal” by The Anzac Club, located inside St Luke’s Church, Charlotte Street, Brisbane. The boat was intended to be used as a floating ward for recuperating wounded First AIF personnel. Within five months the Armistice saw the repatriation of all remaining Anzacs to Australia. Read more…

ANZAC Day No.3

ANZAC DAY. YESTERDAY’S COMMEMORATION. MILITARY PARADE IN THE CITY. IN addition to the Anzac memorial services, reported in “The Daily Standard” yesterday [ 25 April 1918 ], there were other notable Church gatherings in Brisbane. A united memorial service was held in the City Tabernacle, at which the president of the Associated Churches of Christ (Rev. A.C. Rankin) [ Andrew Crighton Rankin ] presided. He paid a tribute to the peace-loving Australians who, at the Read more…

Soldiers' Help Society

SOLDIERS’ HELP SOCIETY.   THE regular meeting of the Soldiers’ Church of England Help Society was held in The ANZAC Club on Tuesday afternoon [ 12 March 1918 ]. Mrs. W.H. Campbell [ Mary Simmonds Campbell, neé Powell ] presided, and Bishop Le Fanu (acting director) [ Henry Frewen Le Fanu ] and Lady Morgan [ Alice Augusta Morgan, neé Clinton ] were also present. A letter was received from the Governor, stating that owing to his Read more…