More recruits from the Bush

SERMON BY CANON GARLAND. CANON Garland [ David John Garland ] preaching in Christ Church, Milton, last night [ 23 May 1915 ], said he had learned from headquarters that the number of applications for enlistment from the Brisbane area had been 200 to 10 a.m. on Saturday [ 22 May 1915 ]. This was less than the previous week. He found from visiting the camps and asking the soldiers from what part of the Read more…

Follow England

‘FOLLOW ENGLAND AND INTERN ENEMY ALIENS’ The excerpt below appeared in a lengthy article in Sydney’s “The Sunday Times” in its 16 May 1915 edition on page 14. The story reported statements of Australian business, community and political identities under the headings: ‘Follow England and Intern Enemy Aliens’/‘Sunday Times Collects Symposium of Opinions’/‘MAJORITY AGREE THAT ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN’… “CANON GARLAND, whose militant labors in the interests of the Bible in School Leagues of Queensland and New Zealand have made him famous Read more…

Images of Canon David John Garland

Four days of questions

FOUR DAYS OF QUESTIONS CANON GARLAND’S ORDEAL. By Telegraph. Special to “Argus”. Wellington, Last night. Rarely does a witness have to submit to such a long and trying ordeal of cross-examinations as was experienced by Canon Garland following his evidence in favour of the Bible-in-Schools Referendum Bill before the Education Committee of the house of Representatives. It concluded yesterday after four eventual days, and the committee now has to prepare its report. Canon Garland’s ordeal Read more…

Image of "A Garland Re-Wreathed" poem from 1914.


ABOVE: An amateur poet penned this ode to the unsuccessful Bibles-in-State-School League campaigner from across the Tasman. It appeared on page five of New Zealand’s “Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette”, on 12 August 1914. A GARLAND RE-WREATHED. [By ’Arry Stottle.] There came a man from a land afar, To raise in our Islands a “holy war”, To stir up strife in a land of peace, And set us squabbling like silly geese To make our happy Read more…

Bound for New Zealand

CANON GARLAND FAREWELL GATHERINGS. CANON Garland [ David John Garland ], who during his residence in Queensland has made his influence felt in the public life of Brisbane, and the State beyond, was tendered a civic farewell yesterday [ 31 July 1912 ], when a member of representative men met in the Town Hall. The Mayor of Brisbane (Alderman A.J. Raymond) [ Alfred John Raymond, pictured above in “Queenslanders As We See ’em, 1916”, published by the Newspaper Read more…

Bibles in State Schools

BIBLE IN STATE SCHOOLS CANON GARLAND’S FAREWELL. A PLEDGE AND A CHALLENGE. AT the pleasant Sunday afternoon service in the Methodist Church, Albert-street, yesterday afternoon [ 21 July 1912 ], the Rev. G.E. Rowe [ George Edwards Rowe ] presiding, an address on the Bible in State School movement was delivered by the Rev. Canon Garland [ David John Garland ]. The Chairman said he had known Canon Garland, the organising secretary of the Bible in State Read more…