Excerpt from "Focus", June-July 2012, pg5.

Our Soldier Boys

ABOVE: Canon Garland was instrumental in the formation of The Soldiers’ Church of England Help Society. This article appeared in the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane’s monthly newspaper, “Focus”, for June-July 2012 (page five). OUR SOLDIER BOYS. ‘Nothing is too good for our Soldiers.’   This month we wish to tell the members of the society about the Seaside Home. The country branches can help us a good deal in this direction by sending to this Read more…

Church on the frontline

ABOVE: A humorous take on what would have been a terrifying event, this cartoon appeared on the front page of the August 1917 issue the Church of England’s “The Church Army Review”. The caption read: “A Church Army Recreation Hut demolished by Shell-Fire”.   AT THE FRONT. THE WORK OF THE CHURCH. LECTURE BY CANON GARLAND.   Many old friends of the Rev. Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] assembled at the Churchmen’s luncheon this week to Read more…

Church at the Front

CHURCH WORK AT THE FRONT ADDRESS BY CANON GARLAND. The monthly churchmen’s luncheon, under the auspices of the Anglican Social Questions Committee was held at the Bon Ton Cafe, Hay-street, on Friday last, when Canon Garland, of Brisbane, spoke on “What the Church is doing at the front”. Sir Edward Stone, who presided, expressed the pleasure they all felt at having Canon Garland among them, and regretted his early departure for Egypt, where, however, they wished him every Read more…

Off to the Front

CHAPLAIN LIEUTENANT- COLONEL GARLAND. A FAREWELL GATHERING. AT the Coo-ee Cafe yesterday morning [ 12 October 1917 ] occasion was taken to bid farewell to Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel Garland [ David John Garland ], who is shortly leaving Australia on a visit to the troops. Mr A. Leney (Town Clerk of South Brisbane) [ Alfred Leney ] occupied the chair, and testified to the high esteem in which the guest was held, and the valuable services Read more…

Correct designation of chaplains

ABOVE: Wearing the rank insignia and chaplaincy uniform of a Lieutenant-Colonel, Canon Garland was a honorary “Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class”. In this image, Canon Garland (front right) poses beside a military Chaplain drawn from the ranks of the Salvation Army. Note the difference in denominational insignia. Standing in front of the almost life-sized photograph backdrop of the recently-concluded “Distant Lines” public exhibition display hosted by the State Library of Queensland, is Mr Con Drovdovskii of CGMS, and Read more…

Lavender Day success

ABOVE: The only child of Canon David John Garland and his second wife, Mary Garland (formerly Hawkins, neé Hadfield) – Sapper David James Garland (1896-1970) – No. 15983, 1 Australian Wireless Squadron of the First AIF, pictured circa 1916-1918. He re-enlisted in the 2nd AIF and had a distinguished career in the Queensland State Public Service.   ‘I have been very busy lately with what was known as Lavender Day’   To: Miss Mary McDonell, “Carngham”, 100 Kerferd Road, Albert Park, Melbourne, Victoria. Read more…