Consolidating the Tradition
Consolidating the Tradition
The ANZAC Day Journey
ABOVE: Queensland Premier, William Forgan Smith, had high hopes that his guest spot at Canon Garland’s weekly communion breakfast broadcast from St Barnabas’ Church, Waterworks Road, Red Hill, would go out via the Australian Broadcasting Commission’s state-wide, flagship network. Instead, Canon Garland was able to organise for Radio
Consolidating the Tradition
Chronological Observance, Says Canon Garland ABOUT 150 people made the pilgrimage to The Cross of Sacrifice and Stone of Remembrance in Toowong Cemetery this morning [ 26 April 1937 ] for the memorial service which was conducted by (Canon D.J. Garland) [ David John Garland ]. Many more beautiful floral tributes to the
Consolidating the Tradition
Diggers Emphatically Against Holding Next ANZAC Day on Monday Mr. Huish Says: There is No Such Provision in Act “Thin End of Wedge to Make Day Ordinary Public Holiday.” ALTHOUGH on many subjects there has been a lack of unanimity of opinion among the various ex-service bodies in Brisbane, on
Consolidating the Tradition
ANZAC DAY IN 1937. Sunday Will Be No Obstacle. The joint honorary secretaries of the Anzac Day Commemoration Committee, Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] and Captain E.R.B. Pike [ Eustace Royston Baum Pike ] referring to published statements as to the observance of Anzac Day in 1937, which that year
Consolidating the Tradition
‘No Desire of People that this Day Should Become Another Holiday’ Canon Garland’s Statement THE Stone of Remembrance and The Cross of Remembrance within the gates of the Toowong Cemetery were heaped high with wreaths when the service conducted by Canon D. Garland [ David John Garland ] was held there
Consolidating the Tradition
HEROISM. ENDURANCE. SACRIFICE. Stone and Cross of Remembrance. National Holy Day. Heroism, endurance, sacrifice – these were the Anzac qualities which Canon D.J. Garland [ David John Garland ] stressed in his address to the large gathering which assembled around the Stone of Remembrance and the Cross of Remembrance at Toowong Cemetery
Consolidating the Tradition
CEREMONY AT TOOWONG. FOR OUR DEAD. Hear us, Son of God, O hear! We approach thee for our dead: Lead them in the vale of fear, By Thy wings around them spread. AN impressive not was lent at the Remembrance service at The Cross of Sacrifice and Stone of Remembrance,
The ANZAC Day Journey
ABOVE: The National Hotel, at the corner of Queen and Adelaide Streets, in inner-city Brisbane, as it looked to a photographer, probably from “The Courier-Mail”, in about 1939. The hotel’s ultra-secluded Rooftop Garden venue was booked for a private dinner party on 28 February 1935 attended by the-then Lieutenant-Governor
'Nothing is Too Good for Our Soldiers.'
By former First AIF Chaplain Captain, the Reverend Ernest George Petherick ON board a transport, we asked the C.O. for permission to hold a “sing-song service” on the Sunday afternoons. He turned down the proposal, giving the reason that the decks were so crowded that there could be no
Consolidating the Tradition
‘THIS HOLY SPOT’ Cross of Sacrifice THEY came from all suburbs to The Cross of Sacrifice in the Toowong Cemetery. There were men with medals and ribbons, wives and mothers, and other women in black, and the little ones who know naught of war except what it had graved in
Consolidating the Tradition
AT TOOWONG Ceremony at Cross of Sacrifice. PAYING eleven tributes of flowers, the newly-cleaned Cross of Sacrifice and Stone of Remembrance in the Toowong Cemetery had an outer frame of reverent men, women and children who had come to honour The Fallen at a memorial service conducted by Canon D.