More recruits from the Bush

More recruits from the Bush
ABOVE: Christ Church Anglican Church, Milton, Brisbane. It marked its 125th anniversary in 2016. Photo courtesy of Peter Collins.


CANON Garland [ David John Garland ] preaching in Christ Church, Milton, last night [ 23 May 1915 ], said he had learned from headquarters that the number of applications for enlistment from the Brisbane area had been 200 to 10 a.m. on Saturday [ 22 May 1915 ].

This was less than the previous week.

He found from visiting the camps and asking the soldiers from what part of the State they had come that by far the larger number came from the north and west.

Too few came from Brisbane, where the population was larger than in country parts.

He said the Archbishop [ St Clair George Alfred Donaldson ] had never more fitly acted as a Bishop of the Church of England than in calling on its members to maintain the historic tradition of the Church in struggling for freedom for the people.

As of old, the Church of England had been the mother of Parliaments, and had compelled the granting of the Magna Charta, so today she was calling on her sons and all her people to take the lead in the extent of the sacrifice which was now demanded by the conditions of the war.

Let no one speak of giving a “quota”, nothing less than every man available would meet the terrible conditions and end the war.

There was no limit to the number required, and who would be accepted if fit.

— from page 8 of “The Brisbane Courier” of 24 May 1915.

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