Soldiers Help Society

RETURNED MEN’S INTERESTS Soldiers’ C. of E. Help Society Supplies Need THE Soldiers’ Church of England Help Society, which was founded by Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] in the war years, held its 21st annual meeting at its premises, “Riviera”, North Quay, yesterday afternoon [ 3 August 1936 ]. Mrs. W. Arkell (vice-president) [ Alice Bertha Arkell, neé Cardinal, wife of William Arkell ] was in the chair in the absence of Mrs. J.W.C. Wand Read more…

On date it falls

Diggers Emphatically Against Holding Next ANZAC Day on Monday Mr. Huish Says: There is No Such Provision in Act “Thin End of Wedge to Make Day Ordinary Public Holiday.” ALTHOUGH on many subjects there has been a lack of unanimity of opinion among the various ex-service bodies in Brisbane, on the subject of ANZAC Day all are of one mind – that ANZAC Day must be held each year on April 25 and on no other day. The leader Read more…

ANZAC Day No.21

ANZAC DAY IN 1937. Sunday Will Be No Obstacle. The joint honorary secretaries of the Anzac Day Commemoration Committee, Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] and Captain E.R.B. Pike [ Eustace Royston Baum Pike ] referring to published statements as to the observance of Anzac Day in 1937, which that year falls upon a Sunday, say that this was foreseen when the original Act for the Observance of Anzac Day was passed. It will be found that provision is Read more…

ANZAC Day No.20

‘No Desire of People that this Day Should Become Another Holiday’ Canon Garland’s Statement THE Stone of Remembrance and The Cross of Remembrance within the gates of the Toowong Cemetery were heaped high with wreaths when the service conducted by Canon D. Garland [ David John Garland ] was held there this morning [ 25 April 1936 ]. Old men, gaunt and grey, mothers in black and with tearful eyes, and children small, had begun the early pilgrimage to Read more…

New Settlers League

“REDEEM BROKEN PROMISE” Assisted Nominations for Immigrants New Settlers’ League Council Meeting “The time has come when the promise should no longer be broken that was made to immigrants before they left home that they would receive assistance to nominate their parents and family to follow them out here. While it would not be possible to consider a wholesale immigration scheme, I do feel that the promise made to these immigrants should be redeemed.” THIS statement Read more…