The Pectoral Cross journey

I am very pleased to have this opportunity to introduce you to the Pectoral Cross presented to my Great-Uncle, the Reverend Canon David Garland [ David John Garland ]. I send it to you in Brisbane with a sense of enormous joy that, after almost 80 years it returns, for a short visit, to the community which Canon Garland valued and loved so much. The significance which we each place on this remarkable relic draws Read more…

Gallipoli evacuation flag presented

ST JOHN’S Cathedral was crowded to the doors at the Anzac service held there this morning [ 25 April 1929 ]. See also Padre Maxwell’s sermon Many latecomers had to stand throughout the service, and others were unable to gain admittance. Amongst those officially present were Colonel F.W.G. Annand, D.S.O. [ Frederick William Gadsby Annand ], who represented the Governor-General, his Excellency Sir John and Lady Goodwin [ Thomas Herbert John Chapman Goodwin and Lilian Read more…

Leaving Laidley

DEPARTURE OF THE REV. D.J. GARLAND FROM LAIDLEY. [FROM A CORRESPONDENT.] THE Rev. D.J. Garland [ David John Garland ] left Laidley for Grafton (New South Wales) last Sunday night [ 28 July 1889 ], by the mail train. Notwithstanding the late hour, some 30 friends met him at the station to give him a farewell shake of the hand and wish him Godspeed. He goes to take up work under the Bishop of Grafton. Mr. Garland Read more…

New E-petition circulating

  Honouring a legend “Coo-ee!” Would you like to see the Queenslander who gave Anzac Day to the world prominently honoured in Brisbane’s western suburbs this Centenary of Armistice year? Click the link below to open the Queensland Parliament E-Petition and join the grassroots campaign to make this proposed tribute a reality: This E-Petition closes on 12 October 2018. BACKGROUND Queensland’s State Parliament is being asked to rebadge the Toowong Cycle and Pedestrian Overpass, in Read more…

The Pectoral Cross

IN 1920 the Reverend Canon David John Garland was conferred the Order of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the form of a small, gold cross. In 1940 this priceless liturgical accessory, containing a holy relic, was bequeathed to a member of Canon Garland’s extended family in England. Every year since then, at Eastertide, the Pectoral Cross is laid upon the altar of a parish church in the Anglican Diocese of Chichester. The Patriarch Read more…

The greatest yet

THIS ANZAC DAY WILL BE GREATEST YET RECORD attendance figures will be set by ANZAC Day services in Brisbane on Thursday [ 25 April 1940 ] of next week. The Queensland Diggers’ Association expects an attendance of 20,000 at the Dawn Service in ANZAC Square. Last year’s 10,000 was a record for Brisbane the number having grown from 800 in five years. Better transport arrangements and the natural fillip present affairs will give to all services Read more…