ANZAC Day address

THE REV. CANON GARLAND, V.D. Hon. Secretary. Anzac Day Commemoration. “Their name liveth for evermore.” (Ecclesiasticus, chapter 44, verse 14). IN each of the battlefield cemeteries in which lie at rest the bodies of those Soldiers of the Empire who laid down their lives for us there is erected as the sole monument a tall cross, visible for miles around, and at its foot an altar in stone. The monument, in its noble dignity proclaiming the great Sacrifice Read more…

ANZAC Day Bill

ANZAC DAY BILL. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL-IN-COMMITTEE 18 October 1921.   (The Hon. L. McDonald [ Lewis McDonald ], Acting Chairman, in the chair.) Clause 1 – “Short title” – put and passed. On clause 2 – “Anzac Day to be a national holiday”. Hon. A.G.C. HAWTHORN [ Arthur George Clarence Hawthorn ] : “There was some suggestion when the Bill was previously before the Council that an alteration ought to be made as to the day on which Anzac Day Read more…

ANZAC Day Bill

ANZAC DAY BILL, 1921. Second Reading QUEENSLAND LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.   The SECRETARY FOR MINES [ Alfred James Jones ] : “This is a Bill to constitute Anzac Day a national holiday. The Bill is really so self-explanatory that it does not need me to make a second reading speech on it. “Clause 2 reads – ‘In commemoration of the part taken by Queensland troops in the Great War, and in memory of those who gave their lives for Read more…

Canon Garland invested

On Sunday [ 10 July 1921 ] at St. Barnabas’ Church, Waterworks-road, the Rev. Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] was invested with the Gold Cross of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, conferred upon him by his Beatitude, Damianos [ Constantine Damianos ] Patriarch of Jerusalem. The ceremony was performed on behalf of the Patriarch by Mr. C. Freeleagus [ Christy Kosmas Freeleagus ], Acting Vice-Consul of Greece, who read the diploma in Greek, Read more…

Violet Day in Adelaide

IMPRESSIVE VIOLET DAY OBSERVANCE. ALTHOUGH Sunday [ 13 July 1920 ] broke with a glory of brilliant sunshine, the city in the afternoon was overcast with dull, grey clouds which fitted in appropriately with annual Violet Day celebration in memory of those gallant men who laid down their lives in the war. The soldiers and sailors who died on active service must never be forgotten, and the mother of all patriotic organisations – The Cheer-up Read more…

Help Society welcome

CHURCH OF ENGLAND HELP SOCIETY. LADY Morgan [ Alice Augusta Morgan, neé Clinton ] and Mrs. W.H. Campbell [ Mary Simmonds Campbell, neé Powell ] (representing the [ Soldiers’ ] Church of England Help Society) were hostesses at morning tea at The ANZAC Club yesterday to welcome the members of Synod and their wives. In welcoming the guests, Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] mentioned that the Church of England Help Society was five years old on the previous day [ 7 June Read more…