ANZAC Day No. 8

ANZAC DAY. OBSERVANCE MORE GENERAL. PREMIERS’ CONFERENCE DECISION. THE seventh [ sic ] observance of Anzac Day had been better than on any previous occasion and the feeling of the people had been more intense while the method of celebration had become crystallised said Canon D.J. Garland [ David John Garland ] (one of the joint secretaries) in submitting a report to the Anzac Day Celebration  Committee on Tuesday. The occasion was a meeting of the Anzac Read more…

HEROISM AND SACRIFICE. LOVE AND ENDURANCE. THE ANZAC IDEALS. TYPIFIED IN THE UNION JACK. “If the ideals for which these men fought and died so nobly are to be perpetuated,” said Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] in the course of a stirring address in the Exhibition Hall last night [ 25 April 1923 ], “they must be implanted in the children of today, and to do that we must tell them the mettle Read more…

ANZAC Day No.7

At the Churches ST. JOHN’S CATHEDRAL Thirteen hundred or more persons crowded into St. John’s Cathedral in the morning [ 25 April 1923 ] for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in commemoration of those who fell in the Great War. Not only was every available seat in the sacred edifice occupied, but the aisles and doorways were thronged with worshippers. Many people were unable to get into the building at all, so dense was Read more…

ANZAC Day No.8

ANZAC DAY. COMMEMORATION MEETING. ADDRESS BY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL. THE preparations for the Anzac Commemoration Meeting, to be held at the Exhibition Concert Hall on Friday night [ 25 April 1924 ], are approaching completion. The Mayor of Brisbane (Alderman M.J. Barry) [ Maurice Joseph Barry ] will preside. His Excellency the Governor-General (Lord Forster) [ Sir Henry William Forster ] will deliver an address. His Grace, Archbishop Sharp [ Gerald Sharp ], and his Grace, Archbishop Duhig [ James Vincent Duhig ], Read more…

ANZAC Day No.8

Arrangements for marking ANZAC Day in Brisbane, 1923 AT a meeting of the ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee this week Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] reported that the joint hon. secretaries had arranged for the publication of extracts from “The King’s Pilgrimage” in book form, and mentioned the assistance which had been given by the Premier and the Government in obtaining permission for the reproduction of portions of the letterpress and many of the illustrations. It was decided that the 1923 Read more…

A photo of the executive members of The Sailors' and Soldiers' Fathers' Association of Queensland, from "The Telegraph" of 22 April 1922 (page 10).

ANZAC Day No.7

South Brisbane Meeting. THE South Brisbane City Hall was crowded on Tuesday [ 25 April 1922 ] and an impressive and stirring meeting was held. The Mayor of South Brisbane, (Ald. A. Faulkner) [ Alfred Faulkner ] presided. On each side of the stage was hung a large wreath, and much bunting was draped about the walls. The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn, “Nearer, My God, to Thee”, led by the South Brisbane City Choir. Read more…