Enoggera's chaplain ABOVE: The announcement that Fr Garland was to take up the position of resident chaplain at Brisbane's Enoggera training camp. This item appeared in Ipswich's “The Queensland Times” on 1 June 1915 (page 6).
Our Soldier Boys ABOVE: This photo illustrated the column penned by Canon Garland (transcribed below) which appeared in the 1 September 1915 issue of the Church of England (Anglican) monthly newspaper, “The Church Chronicle” (page 176). The caption read: “Marquee first erected at Enoggera Main Camp, now transferred to and re-erected at Fraser’
For The Fallen FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FALLEN. SOLEMN CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST. SERVICE IN ST. JOHN’S CATHEDRAL. SINCE St John’s Cathedral has been erected there has perhaps been no other occasion on which so solemn a service has taken place within its walls, or one which will be so much
Into Enoggera camp CANON GARLAND. CHAPLAIN IN QUEENSLAND TRAINING CAMP. FEELING that it is not desirable, in the interests of Imperial unity, to continue at the present time the agitation for Bible in schools, Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] has, at the request of the Archbishop of Brisbane [ St Clair George Alfred Donaldson
Abstinence pledge ABOVE: Some of the estimated 3,000 troops – including men from the Queensland-raised 26th Infantry Battalion, 11th Australian Light Horse regiment and other elements of the 7th Infantry Brigade – paraded through the streets of inner Brisbane on Saturday morning, 29 May 1915. The following Monday evening more than 700 Brisbane
More recruits from the Bush SERMON BY CANON GARLAND. CANON Garland [ David John Garland ] preaching in Christ Church, Milton, last night [ 23 May 1915 ], said he had learned from headquarters that the number of applications for enlistment from the Brisbane area had been 200 to 10 a.m. on Saturday [ 22 May 1915 ]. This was
Follow England ‘FOLLOW ENGLAND AND INTERN ENEMY ALIENS’ The excerpt below appeared in a lengthy article in Sydney’s “The Sunday Times” in its 16 May 1915 edition on page 14.The story reported statements of Australian business, community and political identities under the headings: ‘Follow England and Intern Enemy Aliens’/‘Sunday
Four days of questions FOUR DAYS OF QUESTIONS CANON GARLAND'S ORDEAL. By Telegraph. Special to “Argus”. Wellington, Last night. Rarely does a witness have to submit to such a long and trying ordeal of cross-examinations as was experienced by Canon Garland following his evidence in favour of the Bible-in-Schools Referendum Bill before
Rewreathed ABOVE: An amateur poet penned this ode to the unsuccessful Bibles-in-State-School League campaigner from across the Tasman. It appeared on page five of New Zealand's “Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette”, on 12 August 1914. A GARLAND RE-WREATHED. [By ’Arry Stottle.] There came a man from a land