ANZAC Day No.15

SHOULD HELP. SPIRIT OF ANZAC, OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES. IN the shadow of the trees by The Stone of Remembrance many hundreds gathered at Toowong cemetery on Saturday morning [ 25 April 1931 ] for the impressive service, conducted by Canon D.J. Garland [ David John Garland ], assisted by Rev. N. Bertram [ Neil Colin Campbell Bertram ]. But long before 9 o’clock – the hour of the service – the tributes of proud and sorrowing hearts Read more…

Holy Trinity Church

ABOVE: Woolloongabba’s Holy Trinity Church as it looked in October 1930. The church sign (since removed) seen in the mid-left foreground of this photograph is on the approximate spot where the proposed Canon Garland Anzac Origins memorial will be erected in 2016.    New Church opened. Dedication of Holy Trinity. Impressive Service. “I declare this church dedicated to the service of God under the name of the Holy Trinity and to the glory of God Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” With these words Bishop Read more…

ANZAC Square tablet

TRIBUTE TO SERVICE. National Memorial. UNVEILING OF TABLET. ANZAC Square which has been the scene of much industry in recent weeks became the scene of more solemnity on Saturday [ 24 May 1930 ] when the Governor (Sir John Goodwin) [ Sir Thomas Herbert John Chapman Goodwin ] unveiled the inscription tablet on the National War Memorial monument which is rapidly taking definite form. It was the first public function in connection with the memorial square and was a Read more…

ANZAC Square

ABOVE: An artist’s impression of how civic authorities,The Queensland National Anzac Memorial Committee, the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia (Queensland Branch) and the Queensland Anzac Day Commemoration Committee envisaged Brisbane’s future “National Anzac War Memorial” (between inner-city Adelaide and Ann Streets) was likely to look. This drawing appeared in Brisbane’s “The Telegraph” of 31 May 1927 (page 13). Three years later, Queensland Governor, Sir Thomas Herbert John Chapman, officially unveiled the memorial tablet centrepiece on Read more…

Bulimba’s Anzac Day

HONOURED DEAD. PILGRIMAGE TO CEMETERY. HAWTHORNE ANGLICAN SERVICE. “Just as a child is born into this world with the instinct of hunger for food, and it is fed, and as it is born into the world with eyes to see, and is shown light, so we exercise an instinct in coming to these cemeteries to remember our departed before God.” In these words the Rev. Canon D.J. Garland [ David John Garland ] addressed a Read more…

Anzac Day at Toowong, 1930

AT THE SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE Impressive Tribute to Fallen Heroes ADDRESS BY CANON GARLAND   THAT the spirit of remembrance for Australia’s Fallen still is strong in the land for which they gave their lives was shown by the great gathering which assembled at The Cross of Sacrifice and The Stone of Remembrance in the Toowong cemetery this morning. Despite the fact that church services also were being held at Toowong at the same hour Read more…