Off to Northam

Off to Northam


“...I have to report the following many changes: Canon Garland [ David John Garland ], after many years’ hard work at the Church Office, where he managed to put in good order the business of the diocese, has gone to work as Canon Missioner.

On his leaving the office, both the Council and the trustees passed hearty votes of thanks.

He is, at present, in charge of Northam [ Parish ]...”

– An excerpt from a lengthy report, titled “The Bishop’s Charge”, given by the Archbishop of Perth, Charles Owen Weaver Riley, from page 4 of the 19 October 1901 issue of Perth’s “The West Australian” newspaper.


Northam. March.– A farewell meeting, to bid adieu to Canon Garland, was held on Friday evening [ 7 March 1902 ] in the Parish Hall.There was a good attendance, representative of all denominations. After an opening hymn, Mr. George Throssell expressed regret at the Canon’s departure, and, in an appropriate speech, on behalf of the members of St. John’s vestry presented the Canon with a nicely got-up address, worded as follows:-

“Dear Canon Garland,

“ We, the undersigned, members of St. John’s Vestry, desire, on the eve of your departure, on behalf of ourselves and the parishioners generally, to assure you of our hearty appreciation of your labours in the parish during the six months you have been located amongst us and of our honest respect and esteem for yourself personally.

“Whilst we earnestly regret your departure, we realise with pleasure that you have been called to a higher sphere of labour.

“We beg your acceptance of the accompanying cross, as a souvenir of your sojourn amongst us, and assure you of our most sincere desire for your future happiness.”

Mr. Throssell’s remarks were supported by Messrs. G. Throssell, M.L.A., C.E. Dempster, M.L.C. [ Charles Edward Dempster ] and F.R. Barlee [ Frederick Palgrave Barlee ], on behalf of the vestry; by Mr. J.T. Reilly (Roman Catholic) [ Joseph Thomas Reilly ], and Mr. W.J. Stewart (Wesleyan). Addresses were also presented by the choir and the church wardens. Canon Garland warmly thanked all for their kind good wishes, and referred to the pleasure derived from church work in Northam. He would never forget the many kindnesses extended to him during his stay in the town. After singing “God be with you till we meet again”, the proceedings closed with the Benediction. Canon Garland leaves Northam on Monday morning, and sails for Sydney on Thursday [ 13 March 1902 ].

– from page 30 of Perth’s “The Western Mail” of 8 March 1902.

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