New Settlers League

New Settlers League
ABOVE: In its 29 November 1930 issue (page 9), “Queensland Figaro” ran an illustrated feature story about the 40th annual report of The Boys’ Home at Enoggera, and ran these two photos of the exterior and interior of the facility. The report said “every child is taught to be industrious, clean and tidy in his habits, also well mannered. No destitute child’s ever turned away…” First established at South Brisbane, The Boys’ Home in 1906 relocated to a 3.64-hectare block at Enoggera. *According to the Measuring Worth website, £3,060 in 1935 was equivalent to about AUD$257,000 in 2016.

“REDEEM BROKEN PROMISE” Assisted Nominations for Immigrants New Settlers’ League Council Meeting

“The time has come when the promise should no longer be broken that was made to immigrants before they left home that they would receive assistance to nominate their parents and family to follow them out here. While it would not be possible to consider a wholesale immigration scheme, I do feel that the promise made to these immigrants should be redeemed.”

THIS statement was made by Canon D.J. Garland [ David John Garland ], president of the New Settlers’ League of Australia (Queensland division) at a meeting of the State Council of the League today [ 27 June 1935 ].

Continuing Canon Garland contended that conditions were improving in Queensland, and that the arrival of nominated immigrants would result in greater consumption of Queensland products, and so make more work in the State.

The Dominions were being consulted during the Jubilee celebrations and he hoped that the time was not far distant when a move would be made in the desired direction.


The work being done by the league was referred to by Canon Garland, who stated two typical cases under the care of the League.

The first was that of a lad who had become paralysed in one leg and had been in hospital for a long period.

The question of his future was one of concern to the League, and Canon Garland sent the lad to Sister Kenny’s[ Elizabeth Kenny ] clinic.

To-day a report was received that under treatment he would be able to walk normally again in three months.

In the meantime the League had arranged for the lad to be taken care of, at the Church of England Men’s Society Hostel.

The other ease was that of a lad who had been gored by a cow.

After a long period in hospital, the lad was about to be discharged, but a home was needed for him for two months while he attended hospital as an out-patient.

The League had arranged for a special allowance from the Chief Secretary’s Department to cover the cost of the lad’s board and lodging for the first month and was making arrangements for his accommodation during the second month of his treatment as an outpatient, after which he would return to his old job.


“During the last month, the League has placed eight lads in positions on the land at wages ranging from 12s. 6d. to 20s. a week,” stated Canon Garland.

“There are still vacancies for lads if we could get them, but these days we can’t get lads.”
Mr. R.Y. Holmes [ Robert Yetman Holmes ], State Immigration Agent, reported that 105 immigrant boys were under the control of the Immigration Department, and that between them they had £3,060* to their credit in the bank.

During the month the department had placed 32 boys in jobs, which, with the eight placed by the League, made 40 lads placed on the land since the last meeting.

– from page 19 of “The Telegraph” (Brisbane) of 27 June 1935.

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