Follow England

Follow England


The excerpt below appeared in a lengthy article in Sydney’s “The Sunday Times” in its 16 May 1915 edition on page 14.The story reported statements of Australian business, community and political identities under the headings: ‘Follow England and Intern Enemy Aliens’/‘Sunday Times Collects Symposium of Opinions’/‘MAJORITY AGREE THAT ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN’... “CANON GARLAND, whose militant labors in the interests of the Bible in School Leagues of Queensland and New Zealand have made him famous throughout Australasia:“Our attitude should be to take such measures as will in the shortest possible time put an end to such outrages and make it impossible for Germany to repeat them now and for ever. The reprisal is in the hands of our young men. It should take the form of a vast increase in our recruiting for active service. “Members of our Australian Parliaments might well give a lead in this. Five months ago over 200 members of the British House of Commons (about one-third of the whole) were at the Front. "How many, or should I ask, how few, Australian legislators have gone? Men of commerce, men of industry, lawyers, clergymen, doctors have responded freely. The doctors in particular have made a noble response. Members of Parliament should not be behind in setting an example. “Now is the opportunity for the Empire, particularly Australia, to develop its manufactures. “Only a few days ago a large shipment of wool, which used to go to Germany, was sent to Japan, involving many charges before the finished product comes back, paying import duty for use of those who grew raw material. It could and should all be done in Australia. “As to the social aspect, we must remember we have lived amicably with many Germans in our midst, and have had happy relations which cannot be violently disturbed without good cause. Where there is any exhibition of disloyalty in word or deed, however, such person should be treated as an enemy socially and legally.”

– from page 14 of “The Sunday Times” [Sydney], 16 May 1915.

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