Church at the Front

Church at the Front



The monthly churchmen's luncheon, under the auspices of the Anglican Social Questions Committee was held at the Bon Ton Cafe, Hay-street, on Friday last, when Canon Garland, of Brisbane, spoke on "What the Church is doing at the front”.Sir Edward Stone, who presided, expressed the pleasure they all felt at having Canon Garland among them, and regretted his early departure for Egypt, where, however, they wished him every success. Canon Garland expressed his appreciation of the chairman's remarks, and the reception from those present, among many of whom he had worked, years ago. After remarking upon the ominous war situation, he deplored the fact that to raise money for patriotic purposes it was necessary to organise some amusement or circus show, and he hoped that as churchmen they would set their faces against this, and expect men to give freely. In speaking of the work of the Church, he said that it read like a romance, but a serious blunder had been committed in not bringing home to the people of Australia what the Church of England had done for the soldiers. The people must be told what the Church was doing. How many knew that they had over 1,000 huts in France – some so close to the firing line that they had been blown to bits – or that hot coffee and soup were served right up to the firing line, as many as 6,000 cups being served in a week. One hundred pounds was required and he felt that the people of Australia could be relied upon to do their share. Referring to the work of the Church in London, he said that Buckingham Palace Hostel had been taken over, and the King had lent a part of Buckingham Palace to be used as hostels, the gates of which were never closed. No charges except for food are made, and the boys, fresh from the front, came under the influence of refined and gentle treatment. He was going to Egypt to inquire into the Church work, as the huts there and in France must be paid off and maintained. Wherever our boys were, their needs must be ministered to, and a part of what the mother Church had spent on this work must be given back to her. He was confident in the hope that the Church people would support the appeal. A vote of thanks was accorded to Canon Garland, on the motion of Canon McClemans [ William Joseph McClemans ], seconded by Mr. Chas. Sommers, M.L.C. [ Charles Sommers ]

– from page 8 of "The West Australian", 12 November 1917.

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