Archdeacon Garland resigns

Archdeacon Garland resigns

ABOVE: This irreverent cartoon of the-then Archdeacon, The Venerable David John Garland, appeared in Brisbane's “Truth” newspaper, only a few months after Canon Garland had resigned his post at St Paul’s Church, Charters Towers, in northern Queensland. It was not the first or last time that the cleric would be sent up for taking a prominent public position on the issues of his day. This cartoon ran on page 4 of the 24 February 1907 edition of “Truth”. The caption is a quote from the character, Sir Hugh Evans, from Act 1, Scene 1 of William Shakespeare’s comedy, “The Merry Wives of Windsor”, who, speaking to Shallow and Slender, says: I am of the church, and will be glad to do my benevolence to make atonements and compromises between you..." The rest of the caption reads:

“In olden days, with garland gay, The victor’s brow was decked; While thronging thousands loud acclaimed Their homage and respect. This parson wages war against A reasonable rule; And means to have the Bible read In ev’ry Queensland school. Though wreath of victory ne’er shall tell The triumph of the Sect, Still ‘..GARLAND’ must Command good men’s respect.”

Resignation of Archdeacon Garland.

The resignation of Archdeacon Garland [ David John Garland ] from the rectorship of St. Paul’s Church [ Charters Towers ] will be learned with the greatest regret, not only by the people of the Church of England but by the thousands outside of the church who believe in the manliness of his doctrinal methods.North Queensland has not got too many strong men engaged in the work of the Church that it can afford to lose one of them. The Archdeacon has been a tower of strength, not only in the Church but in public matters, and no matter what part of the world he may go into he will always be a prominent figure who will be working for the advancement of his Church, but, first of all, for the uplifting of humanity. Since his arrival here over four years ago he has been foremost in the fight for righteousness of life and for the securing of public benefactions. He has been fearless and frank; and this fearlessness and frankness — though it may have made him a few enemies — has won him the day in the hearts and minds of the great body of the public. Amongst non-church going men he has been especially successful, bringing into their common lives something of the right blessings and teachings of Christianity which has made a profound impression upon them. Only few months ago the Archdeacon was waited up on by a number of men, for the most part non-churchgoers, requesting him to give an address (after his usual duties church) in a place apart, and the profound impression made on that great audience of men which assembled to hear him has never faded. It is something to be the friend and adviser of such rugged-hearted men who have the good qualities of manhood in them, and it is something to carry away the memory of the friendship of such men. Then, again, amongst the children the Archdeacon has found a special field of labour. He has endeavoured to sow the seeds of good and religious duty in the minds of the children when they are young, and though the good that has been done in this direction will not be wholly apparent for years, there is a certainty that it will bear fruit in the years to come, and this great work will not only be for the benefit of this community, but for the benefit of many communities in Australia. The example of a good life is of greater value to a community than the possession of wealth. In years to come there will be many such lives owing their greatness to the good work of the Archdeacon. In public matters Archdeacon Garland has never concealed his position. He has always been on the side of the weak who wanted assistance for the purpose of rectifying wrongs. His work has done much good. If he has offended anybody and made a few enemies he has done so because he has preached Christianity. His principle has not been for the recognition of his church alone, but for the recognition of all churches engaged in Christian work. We cannot afford to lose a strong man, an outspoken man and a worker who has had ever before him the good of the community and the benefiting of the people. The Archdeacon has before him, however, a greater work. He undertook the organising of the Bible in State Schools work after great pressure and he finds that he cannot take the cares of the parish and at the same time fulfil the duties of this work of national importance. We are certain that he gives up his present change with a great deal of reluctance, for there is still a lot of work to do here. But the clock of the world swings round and the Archdeacon is but the hand which Providence has destined to point the way. His sacrifice has been great; his work has earned a big reward.

— from  page 2 of “The Evening Telegraph" (Charters Towers) of 10 June 1907.

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