ANZAC Day Bill

(The Hon. L. McDonald [ Lewis McDonald ], Acting Chairman, in the chair.) Clause 1 – “Short title” – put and passed. On clause 2 – “Anzac Day to be a national holiday”.

Hon. A.G.C. HAWTHORN [ Arthur George Clarence Hawthorn ] : “There was some suggestion when the Bill was previously before the Council that an alteration ought to be made as to the day on which Anzac Day should be observed if it fell on a Saturday or Sunday. He had spoken to Canon Garland [ David John Garland ] about the matter, who said that the committee, of which he was either a member or chairman, at whose request the Bill was brought in, would prefer to have it exactly as introduced – that was, that Anzac Day should be observed on the day on which it fell. In view of what Canon Garland had said, they would be doing wrong to make any alteration in the Bill.”

The SECRETARY FOR MINES [ Alfred James Jones ] : “He also had heard the views of Canon Garland. In fact, the Bill had been delayed in order to allow of further consideration being given to the matter by all the bodies interested. The Premier [ Edward Granville Theodore ] had been approached, and it had been decided to pass the Bill as it had emanated from the Assembly.” Clause put and passed. The Council resumed. The ACTING CHAIRMAN reported the Bill without amendment. The report was adopted.
– from page 1480 of “Hansard” of The Legislative Council of Queensland for Tuesday, 18 October 1921. [ Reproduced with permission. ]