ANZAC Day No.15

IN the shadow of the trees by The Stone of Remembrance many hundreds gathered at Toowong cemetery on Saturday morning [ 25 April 1931 ] for the impressive service, conducted by Canon D.J. Garland [ David John Garland ], assisted by Rev. N. Bertram [ Neil Colin Campbell Bertram ].But long before 9 o’clock – the hour of the service – the tributes of proud and sorrowing hearts had been placed at the base of the Stone and The Cross of Remembrance, until the stonework was almost covered with the fragrant flowers of a hundred gardens. Among the wreaths placed on the Stone was one by the Lord Mayor (Alderman A. Watson) [ Archibald Watson ], on behalf of the City Council. The Premier (Mr. A.E. Moore) [ Arthur Edward Moore ] was represented by Mr J.F. Maxwell, M.L.A. [ James Francis Maxwell ]. With devout reverence the gathering recited The Apostles’ Creed, and sang the hymn “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”, the Windsor Band accompanying the singing. In his address, Canon Garland said that for the eleventh time in succession they were gathered in this sacred place to remember on ANZAC Day those who had died for them. Gratitude should spring eternal in the human heart, and this gathering was evidence of their gratitude for the men who had passed. ANZAC Day had become a national day, ranking with Good Friday and Christmas Day in its sacredness. Canon Garland went on to give a description of the immortal landing, and said that the heroism and sacrifice of their soldiers, not only on Gallipoli, but on other war fronts, should impel them to translate the same ideals into the problems of their daily life and the difficulties that were facing the country. Let them face their difficulties in the same spirit in which they had faced the war. Australia was in a better condition than other parts of the world, and Queensland was in a more prosperous state than other parts of the Commonwealth. There was no need for pessimism, but there was every reason why the spirit of sacrifice and heroism shown by the ANZACs should have a place in their daily life. “We commend their souls to the Loving Father who will care for them in His Realms above, and reward them for all they have endured and suffered here.” In solemn silence “The Last Post” was sounded by Bugler Staff-Sergeant Barnes [ Herbert “Jerry” Barnes ] and Buglers Jackson and Devlin, following which the Windsor Band played “The Dead March” [ from Saul ].
– from page 11 of “The Brisbane Courier” of 27 April 1931.
PICTURED ABOVE: Canon Garland at The Stone of Remembrance at Brisbane's Toowong Cemetery on the morning of ANZAC Day, 1931. This photo appeared in "The Brisbane Courier" of 27 April 1931 (page 12).