Andrew Thynne tribute

Andrew Thynne tribute
ABOVE: Irish-born, Colonel the Honourable Andrew Joseph Thynne (Retd.), 1947-1927, a former Member of the Queensland Legislative Council, solicitor and one of the seminal figures in the movement that would establish the Commonwealth of Australia.


AT a meeting of the Council of the New Settlers’ League, held in the [ Brisbane ] Town Hall yesterday [ 3 March 1927 ], Canon Garland [ David John Garland ], who was in the chair, in moving a vote of condolence with Mrs. Thynne [ Christina Jane Thynne, formerly Corrie, née Macpherson ], one of the Councillors, upon the passing away of her husband, Colonel Thynne, said there had been many panegyrics with reference to that gentleman’s life work, but the speaker felt there had been inadequate reference to his work for recruiting in the late Great War.

As Chairman of the first recruiting Committee formed in Queensland, before the Federal Government had set up any organisation for obtaining recruits, Colonel Thynne [ Andrew Joseph Thynne ] had rendered magnificent work for Australia and the Empire, and had done it with his whole heart.

There had been no more determined or enthusiastic supporter of recruiting than Colonel Thynne.

Over and over again he had expressed his conviction that Australia could be safe only if she remained within the British Empire, of which he was a loyal and keen advocate.

Canon Garland said he remembered the intense pleasure Colonel Thynne had exhibited when the venerable and much esteemed Archbishop Dunne [ Robert Dunne ] the-then Roman Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane, had issued a pastoral appealing for recruits and which the Recruiting Committee had printed and circulated tens of thousands of copies with good results.

The motion was seconded by Mr James Allan, who referred to Colonel Thynne’s work for the [ Queensland ] Volunteer Defence Force in pre-War days.

After the motion was supported by Mr. Daniel Jones, the Council rose to its feet to carry the resolution, which was ordered to be transmitted to Mrs. Thynne.

– from page 14 of “The Brisbane Courier” of 4 March 1927.

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