ANZAC Day No.8

ANZAC Day No.8
ABOVE: His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir Henry William Forster (Lord Forster), with the Archbishop of Brisbane (Dr. Gerald Sharp) on his right, and the Moderator of the Presbyterian Assembly (the Rev. S. Martin) on his left, standing at the foot of The Stone of Remembrance in Toowong Cemetery on the morning of Anzac Day 1924 at the unveiling ceremony. Next to the Reverend S. Martin are Captain Bernard W.M. Fairbairn, O.B.E. (captain of H.M.S. Dragon), and Major-General Sir Julius Henry Bruche, C.B., C.M.G. (commanding Field Troops, 1st Military District). Behind the Governor-General, Lord Forster (on the left of the photograph) is Colonel [later Sir] Donald Charles Cameron, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.H.R., and on the extreme left of the picture, in the foreground, is Canon Garland (joint honorary secretary of the Queensland Anzac Day Commemoration Committee), in his Lieutenant-Colonel's uniform. Photo courtesy of Picture Queensland, State Library of Queensland. It first appeared in “The Brisbane Courier” newspaper on 26 April 1924 (page 8).


THE preparations for the Anzac Commemoration Meeting, to be held at the Exhibition Concert Hall on Friday night [ 25 April 1924 ], are approaching completion.

The Mayor of Brisbane (Alderman M.J. Barry) [ Maurice Joseph Barry ] will preside. His Excellency the Governor-General (Lord Forster) [ Sir Henry William Forster ] will deliver an address.

His Grace, Archbishop Sharp [ Gerald Sharp ], and his Grace, Archbishop Duhig [ James Vincent Duhig ], will also address the meeting, and will respectively move the two resolutions which will be submitted, in uniform terms, at all similar meetings throughout the State.

Mr. George Sampson, F.R.C.O. (city organist), will preside at the city organ, and in addition to opening selections, will play “The Dead March (from) Saul” immediately following the period of silence at 9 o’clock.

A combined choir, comprising members of The Brisbane Apollo Club and the Blackstone Ipswich Cambrian Choir, conducted by Mr. Leonard Francis, will render two choral items, and Mr. Harry Borrodale will render a dramatic item.

The Mayor and aldermen cordially invite the citizens to attend the meeting and thereby demonstrate their loyalty to the memory of our departed heroes.


Anzac addresses will be delivered in all the State schools in the metropolitan area on the day preceding Anzac Day.

The following are the names of speakers who have been arranged for either by the head teacher or by the joint Hon. Secretaries of the Anzac Day Commemoration Committee [ Captain Eustace Royston Baum Pike and Canon David John Garland ], who desire to thank the teachers for their courteous co-operation.

The private schools have been requested to make similar arrangements:

– from page 10 of “The Brisbane Courier” of 23 April 1924.

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